Atividades e Jogos Educativos | 1º Ciclo
Clothes Quiz
Toca na resposta correspondente para eliminá-la. Repete até que todas as respostas desapareçam.
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Clothes - matching game
Arrasta e solta cada palavra por cima da imagem correspondente.
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Clothes - Quiz
Questionário de programa de televisão - Um questionário de múltipla escolha com tempo, linhas da vida e uma rodada bônus.
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Clothes Quiz | What's this?
Divide into teams and play the game: answer the questions and click check.
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Clothes Quiz | What is she wearing? What's this? What are these?
Divide into teams and play the game: answer the questions and click check.
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You can set this page as a homework task for a group of students; doing so will give you a record of who has completed the task. Visit the teacher's section for more information.
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Clothes games
Pick your favourite and play.
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